Original Vlisco Dutch Wax
Unparalleled in quality and reputation. Made of 100% Cotton and Printed in Holland by Vlisco.
Vlisco has been producing 'Wax Hollandais/ Dutch Wax' and other items specifically for the West African Community for over 150 Years. Continuous investment in the creation of original and exciting designs has fuelled Vlisco's phenominal growth and ensured Vlisco's enviable postion as the undisputed leader and trend setter for West African Prints.
The quality of the Vlisco product is second to none. Vlisco use High Tech sophisticated machinery in their production plant in the Netherlands. Stories are often recounted of how clothing made of Vlisco fabrics have been passed down from generation to generation and despite having endured immeasurable cleaning procedures have withstood the test of time in terms of both quality and fashion.